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Deeply Adored Low Arrangement


Deeply Adored Low Arrangement

Deeply Adored Low Arrangement



Classic and sophisticated, this striking low vase arrangement showcases stunning red roses and gleaming green textures, artfully intertwined for a beautiful and bountiful display. This arrangement is appropriate as a gift to the home. Medium size pictured here. This arrangement can be made with other rose colors. Please call us at (775) 358-8500 to inquire about our color selection.

Medium (as shown) is approximately 12"H x 11"W

This arrangement is custom designed using best-of-day seasonal flowers and may not feature the exact flowers shown. If an item is unavailable, we’ll substitute in products of equal or greater value. Please call us at (775) 358-8500 to inquire about our flower selection before placing your order if you require specific flowers be included.


  • Never add flower food directly to roses! Dissolve 1 packet in 1 pint (2 c.) of water before adding to vase.

  • Change vase water daily to reduce bacterial growth.

  • Roses will last longer when kept away from direct sunlight & extreme heat.

  • Recut 1" off the end of rose stem if the rose head starts to droop.

Height:10" x Width:10"